A few of my favorite things...

I'm a Carolina girl with a passion for animals, french fries and Tar Heel basketball. I was a competitive swimmer for 13 years and have completed 4 marathons. While I believe in a healthy lifestyle- I will talk you into sharing french fries or nachos with me! Life's about balance, right.
In 2017 I founded Running Fox Films to tackle female driven stories that empower.
I'm a diabetic and recently became certified as a Holistic Nutrition and Health Coach. Here's to nutrition in mind, body and spirit.
A few of my favorite things
Drink: mezcal margarita on the rocks with salt
Food: Mexican all day, every day...also I'm pretty much a french fry connoisseur
NYC Pastime: people watching is fun, but dog watching is even better! I will drop everything to flirt with dogs
Vacation Spot: the beaches near Charleston, SC
Smell: wood burning fire or a Carolina frasier fir
Sight: I love a good sunset